D4D (Devices for Dignity)

D4D (Devices for Dignity)


"Devices for Dignity" was the name of a scheme offering grants for the use of technology to enhance patient care. The UKRR obtained a grant to develop a feature in PatientView where medication records from multiple sources could be compared side-by-side. Any differneces could then be highlighted and the clinicians alerted to update the records.


In order to have two sets of data to compare the project was restricted to Scottish patients with access to the ECS Data that would have come from a GP System.

Due to poor timing the feature had to be developed on PV1 even though PV2 development was already underway. Due to budget overruns with PV2 it was not included in the features to be automatically reimplemented. There has been some discussion about reimplementing it in PV2.
