Requesting New Laptops/Desktops

Requesting New Laptops/Desktops

New hardware requests from NBT can take some time to delivered. In theory basic laptops and desktops should be ex-stock but with the limited resources NBTIT this can still meean a lengthy delay. Specific hardware requests such as the more powerful desktops used by Statistics and Systems Team Members are special orders and will usually involve getting a quote from dell via NBT and then authorising that and then awaiting delivery which is upto 28 days plus the time NBTIT takes to setup the laptops/desktops.

NBTIT in theory setup our machines with a standard image plus a few extra bits of software though this is not always the case.

  • Notepad++

  • 7zip

  • paint.net

  • SQl server clinet software drivers (R:\0 Software\Server Software\SQL Server Client\sqlncli_x86.msi)

Other software is added as required by different user groups https://renalregistry.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/INFRA/pages/996442524

To request the new devices a request must be submitted https://servicedesk.nbt.nhs.uk/ using the Equipment request template. NBTIT page detailing what they supply as standard is here https://link.nbt.nhs.uk/Interact/Pages/Content/Document.aspx?id=17965&SearchId=3689608

When filling in the request for new hardware you are asked for a budget code and a department both of these I usually fill in as UK Renal Registry which should then mean that at some point in the future we will be invociced by the Trust. It is best if the new equipment is order by some one who is listed as an Authorising Manager on the NBT system. Currently this is Tim Whitlock and Retha Streenkamp.