2023-10-02 Meeting notes
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@Andre Ortega Alban
@Andrew Atterton
@Marta Badji
@Michael Ruston
@Philip Main
@Retha Steenkamp
Discussion Points
Priorities (and things what we did)
Reference ranges for PKB
Waiting on Sara from PKB
Will be deploying to staging once PKB have come back
UKRDC Schema updates in Data-Repository on Staging
Changes done, but tests still failing on dialysis section
George to take a look
PKB Scotland send
Waiting for confirmation to send last 2 units
Transplant First
Issues with old code. Compatibilities issues with old libraries. Resolved
PKB indicators
Running an extract today
Not heard from them yet
On leave most of the week
INS testing
Waiting on Citrus changes
PHOSPHATE Extract migration, SIMPLIFIED feed migration
Chase up with trials unit
Validation Testing
Update UKRDC Test Files for v4 schema
Replies to UKRDC E-mails etc.
NHSBT - Deletion of Irish Patients
Finish testing ACT/Data-Collection
On hold until SQL server is resolved
Continue new server test environment documentation
A lot of chasing things up
AIMES servers missing
Open conversation about encryption-at-rest
SQL server
Chase up
Decision around post-2016 hardware
Ongoing dashboard support for new users
Look into loosening postcode restrictions in UKRDC incoming feeds
Start contacting people for data fixes - with Data Team.
2/3 still working on the fixes
Waiting on a single unit to come back with
Trying to secure contact details from Garry
Michael to allow access to the file on R drive
Looking at issues with PKB Send (multiple NIs)
Nothing new for now, may come back when we send the last 2 units
Contact PKB around errors with existing feeds
PKB have come back to say they are investigating
Pentest reports
Internet - Should be removed from Michael’s list
Down to eight critical issues
Send Andy a link for report once updated, as these are largely Radar issues. No action required yet, but good to be in the loop.
SQL Server
MR to chase up.
NHS SES DCB1596 stuff
Michael writing up some instruction for people to follow before turning this on
PKB usage data transfer
Waiting for response to George RE encryption
George to chase up
PatientView SSL Cert
XML version converter
Sort out deployment and testing
Stash unloaded data
Little SQLite database?
Use SQL models being used in CUPID?
Each new file replaces the previous entry
Only need to store most recent entry for each patient
CUPID development
Has updated to schema 4.1.0 parsing
Needs to look at the loading
Quarterly Extracts