2023-01-09 Meeting notes
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@Andre Ortega Alban
@Andrew Atterton
@Michael Ruston
@George Swinnerton
@Philip Main
@Retha Steenkamp
Discussion Points
NBT/Storage-Live outages
Two outages, both on sequential Sundays
Seems to be an unexpected power loss, but only affecting Storage-Live?
Need to know precise times so I can query with NBT
First loss seems to be a different cause? Michael to investigate
New UKRDC tickets (testing with local libraries)
One ticket left
Rest are ready to deploy to staging
AKI Tickets
NHSBT file
Waiting on responses from NHSBT
Chase up new process
Radar demo containerization
Go through nginx configs with @Joel Collins (Deactivated)
MSE Feed
Work with Matthew to get feed on live
Still having issues with patients being sent with no treatment entry
UKRDC Tickets
This week
Finish writing up national data opt-out
Work items
Move PV deduplication and Simplimove to new UKRDC-ADMIN server
Simplified feed runs data through TRACING, then queries the RR SQL database, then re-uploads
May not be able to switch simplified feed over until data extract has been moved
Simplified feed needs to talk to RR SQL database
Need to plan simplified feed (and phosphate) stuff in more detail
Stats groundwork improvements by jtc42 · Pull Request #533 · renalreg/ukrdc-fastapi (github.com)
Pre-compute admin facilities list too?
Website stuff - Chase up security upgrades
Basically, done for basic monitoring
Start working on custom checks
Docker container status checks done
File counts next todo
Fix monitoring on NBT servers
NBT migration MS365 licenses and policy setup
Continue with policy/intune setup
New fileserver
Need to connect external drive to an office PC for Michael to remote into and test file transfer from the office
Speed profile
Use a query limit to reduce size without much(any?) performance hit
Ongoing developments by philmain28 · Pull Request #20 · renalreg/dashboard-stats (github.com)
Speed up RR extract
Separating code into a new repo
Ongoing, George raised tickets
UKRDC tickets
Misc. Notes
NBT data migration
George to find somewhere to post it
Currently contains all database backup and the SAS 2021 data directory
Allows us to test SAS and database stuff
AIMES to send drive back to us for the main storage dump