2023-08-14 Meeting notes
- 1 Contents
- 2 Participants
- 3 Discussion Points
- 4 Priorities (and things what we did)
- 4.1 Andre
- 4.2 Andy
- 4.3 George
- 4.4 Joel - On Leave
- 4.5 Marta
- 4.6 Michael - On Leave
- 4.7 Phil
- 5 Helpdesk
- 6 Misc. Notes
- 7 Outstanding Tasks
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@Andre Ortega Alban
@George Swinnerton
@Marta Badji
@Michael Ruston
@Philip Main
@Retha Steenkamp
Discussion Points
Priorities (and things what we did)
Reference ranges for PKB
Live to be deployed after the Scottish sends.
UKRDC Schema updates in Data-Repository on Staging
In Progress
National opt-out: Cannot use the service until set up on the new auth method
We can still use MESH with old auth method
Need to complete a form for new auth - in progress on the NHS side
PKB Scotland send
Transplant First - there has been a request but no work done.
Door software
(Still) Waiting to hear from software devs
Chase this week
PKB API extract
Waiting on response from Darryl
NHSBT - Deletion of Irish Patients
PHOSPHATE Extract migration, SIMPLIFIED feed migration
Waiting to hear back.
Validation Testing
NHSBT data
Go through PKB usage data file
UKRDC Test Files, Replies to UKRDC E-mails etc.
Joel - On Leave
Finish NHSBT deployment
Look into disabling existing PV-NHSBT extract
Finish testing ACT/Data-Collection
On hold until SQL server is resolved
Coordinate IG incident response stuff with Tom
Still need to sort out historic re-send and re-syncing patient’s record
Royal Free contacting the patient
Continue new server test environment
A lot of chasing things up
AIMES servers missing
AIMES VDI pricing - Extra one for stats
Start contacting people for data fixes - with Data Team.
Ongoing - Need to finalise UKRR queries with Fran
Looking at issues with PKB Send
On Leave from Wednesday
Michael - On Leave
Pentest reports
Continue going through
In-progress as of Friday
SQL Server / ADI
Last fix didn’t work. Still waiting for MS.
Chase up - Maybe set up a call?
Install ACT! on SQL-LIVE
On hold until SQL issues fixed
Pick Zabbix back up
PKB usage data
Going into a temp folder on Q (via SFTP server)
George needs to check the file, check columns
XML version converter
In Review
Test with Renalware files - Feedback to George
CUPID development
Back in Progress - checking to see if it’s 4.0.0 of the RDA Schema Complient.