2024-03-04 Meeting notes
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@Andre Ortega Alban
@Andrew Atterton
@George Swinnerton
@Gleb Rysev
@Marta Badji
@Michael Ruston
@Oliver Reeves
@Philip Main
@Retha Steenkamp
@Sarah Evans
Priorities (and things what we did)
Reference ranges for PKB
Waiting for final confirmation (George) of last code
UKRDC tickets
Use the processed data to clean the codes and UoM
UKRR RDA extract
Run NHSE extract for March
Catch up meetings
This Week
UKRDC Feed Testing
Investigate CUPID
Validation Testing
PHOSPHATE Extract migration, SIMPLIFIED feed migration
Investigate missing data
Not This Week
INS testing
Final queries for Citrus
NHSBT - Deletion of Irish Patients
PKB usage data transfer
Waiting for response to George RE encryption
George to chase up
Update (and hand over?) UKRDC Dashboard intro presentation
Actually start thinking about moving OneDrive somewhere
Schema conversion data storage
Finish with Phil
Finish testing ACT/Data-Collection
Work with Michael to archive and decommission Nurture and PV TEST servers
Get ACT set up on a new machine
Continue working through handover todo list
Data correction - with Data Team and RaDaR Team.
PKB queries
Continue Python course
Update CUPID confluence docs
Statuses needed etc (from meeting)
Data Protection Toolkit - Ongoing
Finish finish
NHS SES DCB1596 stuff
SSL Certs
Put in purchase with Digicert
Work with Joel on server decommissioning and upgrades
Disk space upgrades in particular
Start ACT install
CUPID development (onging)
Clean up / annotate / test insert code
Decide how to handle sites switching renal systems
Kings EPIC feed - Likely going to be a combined feed with Guys with a new sending facility - Kind of sidesteps the issue
Quarterly Extracts (ongoing)
Provide any support for fixes with ongoing testing sites
Schema converter (ongoing)
Finish 4.2 support
Continue working through Python course.
Go through UKRR Extract work with Phil
On hold until Python course finished
General support/tickets
Continue developing consented_cohort
SMS activation
Start working on databases
Resolve github actions issues
RADAR stuff
Starting this week
Catch up call?
Misc. Notes
Upgrading postgres on RHEL6 servers