2024-03-25 Meeting Notes

2024-03-25 Meeting Notes

Agenda Points

Proposed by

Previous Action





Joel to look into the connection issues – Complete 

Joel to look into the licence situation - Incomplete

Michael successfully managed to establish a connection between Steve and act. 

All data managers will require the ability to update ACT and it is unclear if our current license will allow that.

Look into the licence situation - Joel

UKRR to UKRDC export


Andy to Make the changes regarding the demographic data - Incomplete

Andy got distracted but in a good way. Will finish making changes to the attached repo so that they can be released on pypi. Will also check out the NHS number package already on pypi

Finish releasing UKRR models to pypi – Andy 

Assess the NHS number package on pypi – Andy 

Make the changes regarding the demographic data - Andy

Quarterly extract


Fran to review the most recent extract - Incomplete

Fran hasn’t managed to look at the most recent extract and is off on holidays soon. Sarah has agreed to take a look if (and only if) she has time.

Review the most recent extract – Fran or Sarah

Monday Meetings



Monday meetings will now be starting at 10 o’clock to allow people extra time to check emails and what not and will be booked for an hour although this is likely still overkill

Create new meeting – George/Andy

Joel’s departure



Everyone wept deeply as the realisation that Joel is really leaving hit us.

Reassigning tickets - Joel