Alpha Study

Alpha Study


See Fiona for further details.



Edmund J Lamb ( elamb@nhs.net )

Data Sharing Agreement

GS: I am checking with Katherine about this.

Technical Details

GS: This is to be the best of my understanding - this was a bit "before my time"

The Alpha Study collected data that was entered into a website at https://www.alphastudy.org.uk/Login.aspx . This is an ASP.Net application written by Abidemi Adio.

The application follows a similar pattern to ATTOM and the original RADAR (pre-SSG) in that it is hosted on separate web and database servers. Because the database is on a shared server security is applied by the application encrypting individual fields using AES. This has the unfortunate effect of making the database difficult to query.

GS: I think I have some code I used to decrypt ATTOM somewhere. See also R:\0 Systems\People\Andy\Radar\radar\App_Code\TripleDES.vb - though the keys may be different.

The servers are hosted at Tollon (now called Elite Serve). The SQL Server needs to be accessed via their SSL VPN. I am unsure how to access the web server or what the credentials are - this would have all been done by Abi.

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