

MAGIC is a quality improvement project designed by the British Renal Society’s Vascular Access special interest group (BRS VA) and the Vascular Access Society of Britain and Ireland (VASBI), supported by the Kidney Quality Improvement Partnership (KQuIP). It aims to improve cannulation / needling of arteriovenous fistulae (AVF) and grafts (AVG). It uses the BRS and VASBI Clinical Practice Recommendations for Needling of Arteriovenous Fistulae and Grafts for Haemodialysis as a basis to define best practice.
The aim of MAGIC is to:

  • Improve rates of AVF and AVG use through preserving the lifespan of existing AVF and AVG
  • Improving patient experience of needling, to encourage patients to choose AVF or AVF as their preferred type of vascular access
  • Promoting future quality improvement into vascular access.

See https://www.thinkkidneys.nhs.uk/kquip/magic/ for more details



All the instructions how to start developing and deployment are there in the readme file.


It is running on UKRR web server under txfirst account

url https://magic.renalreg.org



Lead: Katie Fielding katie.fielding@nhs.net
Co-Lead: Margaret Aitken Margaret.Aitken2@ggc.scot.nhs.uk