Transplant First

Transplant First


Transplant First is a project being run by KQUIP to collect information about whether a patient has been put on the transplant waiting list and if not the reasons why.

Data is currently being collected from a small number of units using Excel workbooks. While the data is patient level it is not patient identifiable.

The project wishes to rollout the collection to all English units. This will require a change in how the data is collected.

Further background and details https://www.thinkkidneys.nhs.uk/kquip/transplant-first/



All the instructions how to start developing and deployment are there in the readme file.

Charts description

The site renders 2 types of charts (Dialysis Starter Charts and Transplant Listing Charts) based on the data extracted from the model illustrated here. The referenced pages define the calculation for each graph as found in the code of the project.


It is running on UKRR web server under txfirst account (together with magic project).

URL: https://transplantfirst.renalreg.org

Start Date





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