2020-12-07 Meeting notes

2020-12-07 Meeting notes




Discussion items

Outstanding ItemsTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Validation George is still to let Fran have a release. It seems that the latest release has an issue in the editor in that it will only work for the first record and fails to work when loading another record to view. George hopes to resolve this later this week.
  • Alphastudy George has tried accessing the site using the link provided to Fiona however hasn't been able to by pass the NBT firewall or use an external server. Tim suggested just disabling the VPN and then using his laptop. Which he will now try.
  • Andrew has made now progress on the xml tracing files to add records to the UKRDC.
  • George hasn't followed up with renalware about the outstanding items on the Trello list.
  • Andre has nearly completed the Nephwork and has resolved the issues found after go live. A new registrar has signed up and this will involve adding some new records once she has the file.
  • Andre will now work on transplantfirst.
  • George still hasn't added the documentation of how to map nhs number to RRNO and vice versa including example code. He also needs to finsih documenting the data base tables so the can be better understood. This needs to be completed as a priority to allow others to do the mapping.
  • George says he has completed [TNG-655] Remove incorrect PV Memberships - UKRDC JIRA this morning by deleting the rogue RaDaR memberships. this will need checking as the issue is still flagging on sensu monitoring.
  • The BAPN data had  a date issue when it was sent to PHE for matching covid patients so will have potentially affected results. This means when the next matching occurs in January DOB will need double checking.
  • Andrew has restored the missing Last login data for Garry. He will now allow the logs to grow to > 6 months and then start archiving again ensuring the latest login record for each user remains.
  • AKI missing values reloading hasn't been progressed
  • External AKI data request has still to be completed. george has had some issues with the time the pin email takes to arrive when trying to log into the MESHUI Tim suggested he use th Google Authenticator as this is much quicker and easier as it is instant.
  • Andrew has been waiting for the biomarker corrections. Retha has the information and has forwarded it to Tim this should allow him to complete the adding of the data to records etc. He has also been completing other RadaR tickets as documented last week.
  • George will kick off the next AKI extract.
  • NHSEngland have indicated they want an extract every quarter (not monthly) however they don't seem to understand how the data loading works. Retha has a call this Tuesday to discuss. They are also planning to request the 2018 data at some point
  • George has PHE Bacterium and NICOR files to also put through opt out and process.

Please ensure timesheets are completed daily

Please ensure Jira tickets have properly documented worklogs of what has been done to complete the ticket.

Action items

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