
UKRDC Dataset


ALL: In general ProgramMemberships will only be accepted from a single ‘categorical’ source for a particular project. This is usually either by them being recorded directly in the UKRDC via the UI, or via an API call from the system for that project. Any records notifying us of a membership for which the feed is not authorative for will likely be ignored.

UKRR: This is NOT part of the UKRR Dataset.


These are used to record whether or not a patient wishes to participate in one of the UKRDC’s member projects.

In the case of projects such as RADAR the Program Membership record should only be closed if the patient actively wishes to withdraw. It should not be end dated when they leave the unit or die.

If a patient decides to leave a project and then re-joins a new Program Membership record should be created (with a different ExternalID) rather than re-opening the original one.


Schema ProgramMembership (github)


<ProgramMemberships> <ProgramMembership> <ProgramName>PV</ProgramName> <ProgramDescription>PatientView</ProgramDescription> <FromTime>2002-05-30T09:00:00</FromTime> </ProgramMembership> </ProgramMemberships>