Adding Emails to Test Patients

Adding Emails to Test Patients

Once we know the test patients NHS number we need to configure the emails for the patients. We have been using emails of the form pkbNHSNo@renal.org. These can be set up via our domain host 123-reg.

Login to the 123-reg account. 

Select manage EMail


Ensure the correct domain is selected (we currently use renal.org)

Select the Create dropdown and select Forward option.


Then fill in the form with details forwarding the emails to the rssystems@renalregsitry.nhs.uk account.

Once all the test patient emails have been set up they need to be added to the patient records on PKB.

Login to the site as the professional.

Type in the patient NHS no in the search box to find the patient.

Click on the option to Enter e-mail


Saving the contact triggers the sending of a sign up request to the mailbox.

Signing in as a new patient on PKB

Find the email in the rrsystems mailbox and click the link.

This opens up the sign up process in a browser.

Fill in the date of birth

Then set a password. We have been using a common password for convenience. (in keepass for accounts that have been recorded)

The security Question needs to be answered I have set this to the first street lived on and answer street. 

Once the password has been set login into the patient account and answer the default questions.

After this the account is setup and you can login as the patient.