Tasks to Complete Phase1

Tasks to Complete Phase1

Staging Sandbox Testing

Research Send

DONE Confirm membership files load correctly and as expected.

DONE Bulk Creation of PKB memberships.

DONE Confirm demographic files load correctly and as expected.

DONE Bulk Send to test Renal research.org https://jira.ukrdc.org/projects/PKB/issues/PKB-82https://jira.ukrdc.org/projects/PKB/issues/PKB-80, Needs to do once per ukrdcid.

Test using PKBDump to Send Full Records for Test Patients using New Units

DONE Clean send of Test patients to new test sites. - Requires https://jira.ukrdc.org/browse/PKB-86

DONE Review clean sends for any issues that need correcting.

DONE Update unit sending code to include ZTM - add this static segment at the end (after the DG1's and ZRX's) of your site based (partner_renal) A28/A31 messages:  ZTM|prt~renal https://jira.ukrdc.org/projects/PKB/issues/PKB-83

Test using PKBDump to Send Full Records for All Patients for one Unit

DONE Test send of all patients in a unit

DONE Store/User Configuration for which segments should be sent.

Setup Process for Sending Demographics for New Patients

DONE Note - the "New Patients" need to be restricted to the enabled Sites. Once PV is not in use we will assume new PV feeds mean a new PV membership which will mean create a PKB membership add the demographics to the renal research org  and send the data through to PKB.

TODO Update PV Inbound channels to handle PKB site feeds differently and not just reject files if no PV membership instead they need to create a PKB membership and load the file then ensure the full record is sent before updates are sent.

Setup Process for Sending Full Records for New Patients

DONE Setup Mirth Identify New Patients Process

DONE Store/User Configuration for which segments should be sent.

Setup Process for Sending Updates for Existing Patients

DONE It may be possible for the same process may cover both Full Records and Updates.

DONE Store/User Configuration for which segments should be sent.

Setup Process for Sending Information on Deceased Patients

DONE Auto update process to mark any that have died as deceased. It may be that this is covered by the general Update script.

TESTING Tracing Data needs to be available for DODs.

NHSBT Process

TESTING Process to import NHSBT Data into UKRDC ( https://jira.ukrdc.org/projects/PKB/issues/PKB-12 )

TESTING Process to export cohort to send to NHSBT https://jira.ukrdc.org/projects/PKB/issues/PKB-73

TODO Scripts to copy files to/from NHSBT

Configuration Update

DONE Confirm mapping of LOINC matches integration document https://jira.ukrdc.org/projects/PKB/issues/PKB-74

DONE Fiona to confirm that the list of tests / mappings is correct - in particular that Calcium, Hb and eGFR are correct as there are multiple potential codes for these tests.

DONE Correct flagged unit errors in LOINC from David (69405-9 eGFR)


TODO Test send some real patient letters to confirm the letter inclusion code is working and letters render correctly. David says we can do this on live and he can disable record once test completed to ensure IG issues don't occur. https://jira.ukrdc.org/projects/PKB/issues/PKB-16

STARTED Clear outstanding PKB Jira tickets currently 31

 Production System

STARTED Clean live site - merge multiple ukrdcids for all  PV records where separate records exist for patients with multiple NHS Numbers 

STARTED Clear PV related workitems for site prior to go live for unit.

STARTED Merge duplicate UKRDCids  

TODO Enable automatic tracing on live

TODO Configure PKB channels on live mirth

TODO Configure PKB app code on live app server

TODO Update Code Lists, Redis etc. on Live servers.

TODO Make required changes to the Live Database - https://jira.ukrdc.org/projects/TNG/issues/TNG-691

TODO Configure NHSBT Processes on Live

Go Live

STATUS Bulk send of all PV/RaDaR patients to be included to production Renal Research Organisation

STATUS Send all patients for first go live site (Plymouth) 

STATUS Ensure update process enabled for sites

STATUS Send next units

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