Current Production Plan
The plan for the PKB roll out is separated in to 2 basic steps.
Step 1 (Set up the Renal research Org)
All the patients (on PV) will be uploaded/created in the "Renal Association Org" This would involve sending all the patients as A28 messages just with demographics. The list would need to be checked for dead patients before sending and they would need to be removed. Also any new patients that get added would need to be sent through.
Also we would need to regularly trace and update the deceased status for any of the patients we have uploaded via this route using A28/A31 - PID-29.1 / PID-30.1 ( . The assumption is that once a site is actively using the PKB system they will maintain this and mark patients as deceased but until they have been onboarded we will need to ensure our patient lists get marked for DOD. When a person is marked as deceased on PKB it doesn't affect the ability to send data to PKB so the record can still be updated if needed.
There would also need to be a way to ensure the list is updated with new PV/RaDaR members as they are added to the UKRDC if the sites have not been onboarded by PKB.
A separate aspect of the bulk group is how to include RaDaR patients (and Audit patients) for sites who currently don't use Patientview but do use PKB. This is more relevant for phase 2 when we are looking at downloading data for RaDaR (and possibly Audit)
The HL7 credentials for the Renal Research organisation are:
username: org_renal_research (password in keepass)
You don't need any specific MSH-4 value when using these credentials. These credentials would be used to create all patient records you hold into the Renal Research organisation upfront and to add any new patient records from that point forward. I.e this part of the revised plan above:
- The HL7 feed would do the following:
- A one time load of all existing patients followed by,
- An ongoing feed of new patients.
- Demographics only
- Email excluded
- Only MSH and PID segments. I.e. no diagnosis/medications. The diagnosis/medication clinical data would be added by the site specific feed to maintain the correct tagging of source site on the clinical data points.
Step 2 (Send PV data on behalf of Each Unit/PV Feed)
A site will be given a list of all patients with a PV membership to tidy up, mark any deceased so they are removed and add/update the email addresses. This information can then be uploaded via the bulk upload process. It is important that if they update the address it needs to come through to in the PV feed otherwise the bulk uploads and subsequent updates will reset address changes.
Once the patient group is tidied it should have it's data bulk uploaded and the update process for the unit enabled.
The final stage for the unit is to bulk upload the emails and trigger the sign up messages. A separate process will need to be performed in the unit for patients with no email address.
All clinical HL7 data i.e. medications, diagnosis, test results, measurements, documents, care plans you will continue to use the site based messaging. I.e. your partner_renal credentials with site specific MSH-4. You would still send new/updated demographics for all the patients associated with the site as planned. Thus ensuring we have the patient records added to both the site and research organisations