Historic todo
✔ split EDD and TLD charts
✔ export comments or show them in some way with some meta info
✔ add export button above the table to export that quarter data as csv?
✔ remove "reasons for listing not documented" chart
✔ remove "pre-emptive transplant" chart
✔ Raw data table remove from charts
create batch entries with the same settings, e.g. 20 x documented as unsuitable
✔ shuffle order in the stacked up barchart, bottom to top:
working up or under discussion
no documented decision
✔ Proportion of CKD5 patients who have a transplant status
✔ Patients who are still being "Working up or under discussion"
✔ Patients who have "No documented decision" status
✔ Reasons why patients were still in category "working up or under discussion" at time of starting dialysis (proportions + absolute numbers)
✔ Reasons why patients were in the "not documented" category at time of starting dialysis (proportions + absolute numbers)
✔ password change page
✔ if there is no data, do not put dot on 0
✔ summary "% of list suspended" chart on TLD
✔ TLD not pre-emptively listed the same as from EDD - chart with reasons why
cleanup admin page allowing other people to manage units and users