Sending Scenarios
Initial Demographic Send
All Patients for a Sending Facility DONE
With an open PV Membership DONE
Without a DeathTime DONE
One record per UKRDCID. DONE
PKB ProgramMembership Record, sent to UKRDC DONE
A28 Demographic Message (no ZTM Segment) sent to PKB DONE
pkbdump DONE
Initial Data Send
All Patients for a Sending Facility DONE
With an open PKB Membership (or PV (and not dead) - at the point of the initial send this should be identical). DONE
One record per PID. DONE
SendingExtracts PVMIG/PV/UKRDC are acceptable. - we should sending the complete historic record as far as possible (minimum is the PV feed) DONE
This should be full PV Dump DONE
Only those Message Types requested by the Unit. (As in if a Unit has requested that we don't send certain data, for example medications, if they are sending already sending that data to PKB from their central system and do not want a feed from the Renal System duplicating). - DONE
pkbdump DONE
New Patient Demographic Send
Patients who have a PV record from Any Sending Facility which is enabled and no PKB membership. (DONE
(GS: How does this work with UKRDC Feeds? we currently don't have a way for this to work with UKRDC feeds unless the units send a PKB membership when they enable them for PKB) DONE
One record per UKRDCID. DONE
PKB ProgramMembership Record, sent to UKRDC DONE -
A28 Demographic Message (no ZTM Segment) sent to PKB DONE -
UKRDC Process va Mirth DONE - ,
New Patient Data Send
Patients who have a newly created PKB membership perhaps triggered as part of the PKB creation. DONE
Who have received PV XML File for the first time (GS: How does this work with UKRDC Feeds currently can only work if the feed includes a PKB membership indicator/new membership flag in some way) DONE
SendingExtracts HSMIG/PVMIG/PV/UKRDC are acceptable (though we don't expect there to be any HSMIG/PVMIG data for patients in this category). The only data sent should be from "Live" facilities. DONE
This should be full PV Dump DONE
Only those Message Types requested by the Unit, sent to PKB. -
UKRDC Process via Mirth. The "Identify" code for this should be a separate channel to "New Patient Demographic Send" to separate counts however the destinations etc. can be shared. DONE
New Death Demographic Notifications
Patients who have an open PKB Membership. DONE
Who have an updated TRACING record containing a DeathTime which occurred more than two weeks ago. DONE
One record per UKRDCID DONE
PKB ProgramMembership Record - with an End Date, sent to UKRDC. DONE -
A28 Demographic Message (no ZTM Segment) sent to PKB DONE - This is handled by which will include the DOD in the PID segment if present. The logic needs to be amended in though.
UKRDC Process via Mirth DONE
Ongoing Patient Data Updates (including NHSBT)
Patients who have an open PKB Membership DONE - This is mostly done but the SQL will need amending to use the PKB membership rather than PV. -
Whose records for a participating SendingFacility have been updated OR the NHSBT record for that patient has been updated (to update the Care Plan). DONE Again this is mostly done but does not currently refer to NHSBT. needs to be done to contain a list of which units have "gone live".
Only PV and UKRDC SendingExtracts should be counted. DONE
Only those Message Types containing updated data, which have been requested by the Unit. -
UKRDC Process via Mirth DONE
Changes to PV Feed
We need to amend the pv_to_rda logic so that if the site is enabled ( ) incoming PV XML files will be accepted from units that have gone live with PKB - hence will not have a PV ProgramMembership. TODO -