Incase of Accidental Resume Folder Emptying

Incase of Accidental Resume Folder Emptying

Create the following script, modifying the unit code in the SQL.

Make sure you have a C:\Temp\Resume folder .

import json import os.path from sshtunnel import SSHTunnelForwarder from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker from ukrdc.database import Connection fname = os.path.expanduser("~/.config/ukrdc/services/db_conf.json") print("Configuration File: ", fname) with open(fname) as fhandle: params = json.load(fhandle) # Make an SSH Tunnel to UKRDC DB Live via App Live with SSHTunnelForwarder( (params["live_app_ssh"]["HOST"], 22), ssh_password=params["live_app_ssh"]["PASSWORD"], ssh_username=params["live_app_ssh"]["USER"], remote_bind_address=(params["live_app_ssh"]["DBHOST"], 5432), set_keepalive=60 ) as ukrdc_live_tunnel: # Make a connection to the UKRDC3 database ukrdc_engine = Connection.get_engine_from_file( key="ukrdc_live", port=ukrdc_live_tunnel.local_bind_port ) ukrdc_connection = ukrdc_engine.raw_connection() ukrdc_cursor = ukrdc_connection.cursor() ukrdc_sessionmaker = sessionmaker(bind=ukrdc_engine) ukrdc_session = ukrdc_sessionmaker() sql_string = """ SELECT PID FROM extract.patientrecord WHERE ukrdcid in (select ukrdcid from extract.vwe_pkb_members) AND sendingfacility = 'RFPFG' AND sendingextract in ('UKRDC', 'PVMIG', 'PV') """ ukrdc_cursor.execute(sql_string) results = ukrdc_cursor.fetchall() for row in results: output_file = open('C:/Temp/resume/' + row[0], 'w') output_file.write(row[0]) output_file.close()

Copy the files it creates to .responses/resume on the App server.

If there were any failed files remove those PIDs from the resume folder again.

Run dump.py making sure to add the --resume parameter.