2017-01-10 Meeting notes

2017-01-10 Meeting notes




Discussion items

 Feed Back from GeorgeGeorge SwinnertonNothing much to report.
 Feedback from UKRDC BoardGeorge SwinnertonPostponed until next week due to change of meeting time.
 Discuss Requirements for UKRR Security TestingGeorge Swinnerton

Following the successful testing of PV by Sec-Tec we now need to look at testing the other servers. It was decided that RADAR was the most important part to test, especially with the liklihood that International RADAR will be made available on the internet.

 Discuss Issues with PatientViewGeorge SwinnertonWe discussed the issues with some sites (VitalData) connecting to the SFTP server following us disabling arcfour in the SSH configuration. We confirmed that we were going to leave the setting enabled due to the difficulties VitalData are likely to have in updating their software.
 Update from Rogerfoghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed)Roger has worked on the Editor to allow the selection of a test server. He's also been creating some features to translate modality codes.
 Update from Rapolasrapolas (Unlicensed)"Steve" has now gone live. Rapolas has been working on RADAR but there are some problems with IE8 support.
 Update from TimTim Whitlock (Deactivated)Tim has been working on IG tasks. We then had a discussion about business continuity and whether the system software such as Validation and other tools had the ability to partially operate if some requirements (such as the database server) were unavailable. Some examples of parts which would continue to work were given but the majority of the workflow requires that everything is available.

Action items

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