2018-01-03 Meeting notes

2018-01-03 Meeting notes




  • Review any none UKRDC tasks

Discussion items

Birmingham Children's Hospitalrapolas (Unlicensed)
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) believes he needs a VM to do the set up work on however exactly what he was unsure about.
  • It is unclear exactly what has been agreed as the supplied items for this project. It is believed that a VM image/s will be supplied with the reconfigured RaDaR on it.
  • Fiona Braddon (UKRR) (Unlicensed) has the details of the screen requirements.
  • George Swinnerton said they didn't run linux but could provide a remote access facility to a VM. He believed they used VMWare.5.5
  • This project needs to be progressed in the next few weeks.
 Simplified Project
  • Currently this project is validating using Tracing for Demographics
  • They now wish to start getting biochemistry which means they need to connect to ukrdc. 
S251Retha SteenkampOur S251 application was approved.
  • Retha Steenkamp has received a call from a nurse at Addenbrookes who is looking to set up a rare diseases database like RaDaR
  • She was interested in getting a quote to supply a version of RaDaR similar to the BCH one
  • She has been given a ball park figure by Retha Steenkamp as there was no time to do any due diligence or quoting.
Up and coming tasks

NHS England Extract next due  

NHS BT extract next due   (Quarterly Feb, May, Aug, Nov)

Action items