2017-02-22 Meeting notes

2017-02-22 Meeting notes




Discussion items

10minDJango Error Dashboard for PV and UKRDCTim discussed his proposal for a DJango Dashboard hosted on the N3 SFTP VM to allow UKRR staff (and eventually unit/supplier users) to view problems with the transmission of data. There was a discussion about whether the sources of information should log to local databases that are periodically synced or whether they should log directly to a single database. There are difficulties doing that with the Internet SFTP server which would make the data less timely than the N3 server but it was thought that this was an incentive to move to the N3 Server. There was a discussion about whether to do this via SYSLOG but it was decided that it would be simpler to do this in a custom way rather than trying to make it generic.
10minMigration/Upgrade/BackupTim described a new issue where the new backup system is having problems backing up due to a lack of space in the VMWare Storage Pool.This had not been identified as a requirement and there is a risk that more storage capacity will be required as a consequence.
10minRRIG0017 Change Management

Tim mentioned that the RRIG0017 Change Management document needed reviewing/re-writing to meet the ISO Requirements. George Swinnerton said that related to this any manual changes to data needed to be logged in a JIRA ticket with the code stored in the rr_special_requests Bitbucket repo if neccessary. This is for IG purposes, particularly following the suspicion that the merged patients incident had been caused by a problem with an adhoc script.

UKRR SQL Server AuditTim Whitlock (Deactivated)

There was a discussion about the deficiencies in the Audit Triggers in the UKRR SQL Database, in particular how this related to the merging of patients. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) said the thought that SQL Server now had more inbuilt auditing capabilities which George Swinnerton will have a look at. There was also a comment that RADAR may not be doing much logging - this needs to be investigated.

Update on Nick Jones' WorkGeorge SwinnertonNick has decided to write the upload code by calling out from Mirth into a Java module rather than working in Javascript. Nick has suggested that using Java may be beneficial but there was some disagreement when this was raised. The data flow and use of the "RDA" to "UKRR Text" process was drawn on the board and discussed.

Discussion about AngularJSGeorge SwinnertonIn RADAR meetings an immediate need for more AngularJS (and other JS) resources has been identified. None of the people present were familiar with this so we will likely look for some external assistance.

Update from Rogerfoghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed)Roger has been working on the Validation software. He's also been trying to setup DevPi to allow better management of in-house modules. There was some discussion about how to setup internet connectivity inside a desktop VM.

Action items

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