2022-04-11 Meeting notes

2022-04-11 Meeting notes


  • @Retha Steenkamp

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @Andrew Atterton

  • @Andre Ortega Alban

Outstanding Tasks

Ongoing topics

NBT Migration: Plan/Design


AIMES Server migration

  • All storage needs to be encrypted at rest

@Joel Collins (Deactivated) Email Antony to ask about encryption at rest

NBT Migration: Tracing Access

  • George has been emailing Tom, so we’ll see

RADAR Sprint

  • No updates


  • Ended up being the database connection/dev env rabbit hole

  • Aim to progress actual code over the next couple of (short) weeks?

 Discussion topics


  • Currently only Retha can authorize our leave

  • Is it worth asking if George or Joel could authorize leave?

  • Jen might be able to, but may need confirmation that she’s allowed to by Retha

Connections library

  • NBT blocking stuff becoming a big problem

  • Andy been looking into Docker dev environments