2022-04-11 Meeting notes
2022-04-11 Meeting notes
@Retha Steenkamp
@George Swinnerton
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
@Andrew Atterton
@Andre Ortega Alban
Outstanding Tasks
Ongoing topics
NBT Migration: Plan/Design
AIMES Server migration
All storage needs to be encrypted at rest
@Joel Collins (Deactivated) Email Antony to ask about encryption at rest
NBT Migration: Tracing Access
George has been emailing Tom, so we’ll see
RADAR Sprint
No updates
Ended up being the database connection/dev env rabbit hole
Aim to progress actual code over the next couple of (short) weeks?
Discussion topics
Currently only Retha can authorize our leave
Is it worth asking if George or Joel could authorize leave?
Jen might be able to, but may need confirmation that she’s allowed to by Retha
Connections library
NBT blocking stuff becoming a big problem
Andy been looking into Docker dev environments
, multiple selections available,