2022-03-14 Meeting notes

2022-03-14 Meeting notes


Mar 14, 2022


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @Retha Steenkamp

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @Andrew Atterton

  • @Andre Ortega Alban


Review outstanding issues


 Discussion topics







Outstanding issues

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • We have had the penetration results back for both N3 (This Morning) and Internet (two weeks ago). All team members need to review the files and address any issues flagged they are responsible for. There is now a summaryactionstable document for people to document when they have fixed issues on the internet side or if the fix is not worth it to explain why such as server will be retired or migration process will resolve this etc. A similar document needs to be created for the N3 issues flagged. the Reports are in R:\0 Systems\Projects\Pen Tests\2022

  • Joel has identified a number of ossible alternative tracing options but hasn’t yet had a chance to contact NHSdigital to see what we could get access to.

  • The infrastruture migration is due to be done on Tuesday 29th March it is hoped that the key servers will be moved and up fairly quickly allowing for the interconnecting servers to be migrated and comissioned a little slower. Fiona will be notifying PV/radar users of the interruption and probably PKB support needs ot be made aware that there could be a delay in data to them too.

  • The validation code has still not been released. geroge will aim to do it this week. There is avalidation meeting this week where it is hoped some tickets suitable for Andre to start working on can be identified.

  • AKI Andre plans put her new improved database live on rr-sql-live this week. The txt file is 108GB and George suggested that a database copy may be better using management studio he will send through instructions

Server Reboot

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

This Thursday is reboot Thursday after patch Tuesday. Andy will comein early to be shown by Tim the process he uses to reboot the servers ready for next month.


@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

The ukkw site is up and runing however Caitlin apparently has some issues with email (which wasn’t set up originally but is now) and google analytics. It is unclear exactly what the issues are other and the configuration probably need tweaking to allow the data to flow as required. Andy will look at this and call on Joel for any docker knowledge he can lend if required.

 Action items

@Andrew Atterton UKKW website issues with email and google analytics to be invetsigated and resolved is possible.
