PKB Release Notes 19/02/2021
Events & messages
In the ‘Events & messages’ section of PKB, if a PDF document is sent to a record in a HL7 MDM T02 message, there will now be a report button next to the PDF document link. If a patient cannot access the document from any of their devices, they can report an error with the document by clicking on this button.
Organisations can use our FHIR API read receipt query ( to check the read status of the document.
More information is available in our blog:
Feature updates
Questionaire API
The following new FHIR API resources are now available:
These APIs allow organisations to pull a list of their consultations and the responses to the consultations from PKB.
Updates to plans
We are improving the layout and presentation of the ‘Plans’ pages, this includes updating the styling and moving the monitoring and action plan sections to the top of the page. We are also improving how data is added to plans which affects plans that track tests, symptoms and measurements, ensuring that they are optimised for small screens and work seamlessly across all supported devices and browsers. In this week’s release we have updated the ‘Edit plan’ page. Next week we will release the similar updates to the ‘View plan' page.
If the user is not sharing their record with teams or individual professionals, we have updated the wording on the sharing pages below the subtitles for each section to help the user understand why these areas are not populated.
Bug fixes
Sharing - Edit all
The option for patients to review sharing settings for all of their teams at once using the ‘Edit all’ button was incorrectly displayed on the professional's and carer's view of the sharing page so has now been removed from their view.
We have resolved an issue with translations when adding a BMI (Body Mass Index) to the measurements section.
Self-registered patients now have the ability to add a new measurement.
Plans that track test results
We have resolved an issue where tests with textual results that were being tracked in care plans did not correctly show a textual input field.
Technical improvements
We have updated the way we handle the error message when users send in an HL7 message without a valid identifier (e.g. NHS number), assigning authority (AA) or type code (TC) in the PID segment. Previously an AE was returned, we now return a response of AR (please visit for more details on the list of acknowledgements given), with a more helpful error message indicating where the error has occurred. For example, a message may be returned that states the NHS number provided is not valid or that there has been a validation error and that at least one identifier must be provided, indicating there is an issue with the codes sent for AA or TC.