PKB Release Note 11/03/2022
New features
FHIR QuestionnaireResponse API - ‘source’ now included
We are now returning the ‘source' when calling the FHIR QuestionnaireResponse API to retrieve any new questionnaire responses. The ‘source’ field will show who completed the questionnaire, this could either be the patient themselves or it may have been completed on their behalf by their carer.
Bug fixes
Date selection when language set to Arabic
We have resolved an issue where the date selector was not working as expected if a user’s language was set to Arabic.
Care plans - issue loading
We have fixed a bug which prevented care plans that include BMI measurements from loading where there were multiple BMI measurements calculated for the same date and time.
Coordinator - contact details CSV
We have fixed a bug where a coordinator could not download the contact details CSV if any patients in their team had more than one organisation ID. Previously, the CSV export would be blank. Now, the CSV export will contain the details of the patient in the team, with only the organisation IDs relating to the coordinator’s organisation being displayed.
Consultations - mandatory questions
We have fixed a bug where the patient was asked to select a recipient if the patient attempted to submit a consultation without completing all mandatory questions. This was only an issue where the consultation was sent to them by a professional. Patients will now not be asked to select a recipient and the consultation will automatically be sent to the professional that sent it to them.