PKB release notes 28/07/2021

PKB release notes 28/07/2021

New features

HL7 ORU^R01 radiology report

A PDF document can now be sent in an HL7 ORU^R01 radiology report message by setting the OBX-5.2 field to 'APPLICATION', the OBX-5.3 field to ‘PDF', the OBX-5.4 field to 'Base64’ and the OBX-5.5 field to the Base64 encoded value of the PDF. For more information please see https://dev.patientsknowbest.com/home/hl7-api/messages/oru-r01/laboratory.


We have added 36 new LOINC tests for the renal association team as well as updating 11 other LOINC tests to be grouped correctly under the appropriate section heading

Feature updates


We have updated the custom login page for the ‘My health and care record’ team in Sussex.


Patient search

We have resolved an issue which caused the coordinator to be sent to the ‘Registering patients’ page instead of returning them to the ‘Activated' page if they clicked ‘Back to my account’ after searching and viewing a patient record