PKB Release Notes 22/04/2021

PKB Release Notes 22/04/2021

New features

National Identifiers

For customers in the UK, we will now validate the National ID we receive to determine which type of UK national identifier it is, e.g. NHS number, CHI number, H&C number. The following behaviour has changed:

- HL7 messages where the sender does not specify the National ID type correctly will now be accepted and processed, as long as the National ID is a valid UK national ID. For example, if an organisation sends an NHS number but states it is a CHI number, PKB will accept the message and will store and display the ID as an NHS number.

- In the EMIS extract, we can now create patient records for patients who have CHI and H&C numbers. Previously, these records were rejected.

- The ‘Add many patients’ CSV will now be able to accept National IDs that do not match the country of the team performing the upload. Previously, if the team’s country was set to ‘England’ the system would only create records in the CSV that had a NHS number (likewise, if the country was set to ‘Scotland’ only records with CHI numbers would be created, and if the country was Northern Ireland only records with H&C numbers would be created). Now the system will accept all valid UK national IDs and will store each number as the correct type.

- The FHIR API will now accept a valid UK National ID, even if the FHIR Identifier System provided does not match the ID.

- PKB’s custom REST API will now accept a valid UK National ID, even if the nationalIDType provided does not match the ID.


We have added 3 new measurements ‘Nine-Hole Peg Test', ‘Timed 25ft Walk’ and 'Number of missed medications today’.


We have added 3 new symptoms ‘Stress', ‘Flicker (photosensitivity)’ and 'Generally unwell’.

HL7 MDM T02 ZPM segment

It is now possible to add a timestamp in the ZPM field of HL7 MDM T02 messages, for more information please click see; http://dev.patientsknowbest.com/home/hl7-api/messages/mdm-t02/document

Single textual laboratory reports

The OBX-11 status code of every OBX in a single textual laboratory report (http://dev.patientsknowbest.com/home/hl7-api/messages/oru-r01/laboratory#TOC-Single-textual-laboratory-report) is now handled in the same way as OBX-11 status codes for a radiology report. Specifically:

- If the OBX-11 status code is either F or C: the content of the OBX is included in the report.

- If the OBX-11 status code is one of I, O, P, X: the content of the OBX is ignored and will not be shown in the report.

- Any other value provided in the OBX-11 status code outside of those listed above will be rejected.

Radiology reports

A patient delay on Radiology reports (http://dev.patientsknowbest.com/home/hl7-api/messages/oru-r01/radiology) can now only be specified on the first OBX segment. This behaviour is now consistent with multi-OBX textual laboratory reports.

Bug fixes

HL7 Partner

We have resolved an issue to ensure that HL7 messages sent using partner credentials will not be rejected if a team for patient creation has not been configured, unless the messages are intended to create patient records.