PKB Release Notes 20/05/2021

PKB Release Notes 20/05/2021

New features

NHS login - Record creation

Users without a PKB record can now create one and register using NHS login to verify their identity. Whether the patient chooses to register from within the NHS App or from the PKB website, this will create a PKB account.

If the patient chooses to register from a custom login page for a specific team, we will add an option on the registration form to ask the patient whether they are a patient of that organisation, and if they are, we will link their record to that team. You can read more about how to create a record using NHS login here: https://manual.patientsknowbest.com/patient/nhsapp#h.b2agqb305aqi


We have implemented a new custom login page for the Cheshire Network (MyCareView).

HL7 record creation

When a partner creates a new medical record via HL7 they are now able to specify multiple teams into which the patient should be created. This feature was already available to org-level connections.