PKB Release Notes 10/02/2022

PKB Release Notes 10/02/2022

New features

New symptoms

We have added two new symptoms 'Pregnancy induced oedema (swelling to face, hands and lower limbs)' and 'Finger clubbing'.

Feature updates

Add results screen

We are moving towards making every page meet the latest standards as listed in the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This update allows non-sighted users to more navigate via a keyboard and screen reader within the ‘Add result’, ‘Add symptoms’ and ‘Add measurements’ pages more efficiently. This includes adding labels to form inputs, highlighting errors and giving updates when changes happen on the page. For more information on the WCAG guidelines please see WCAG 2 Overview .

User Agreement links

We have updated the links in the User Agreement to point to our new manual (https://manual.patientsknowbest.com/legal/user-agreement ) rather than our old help site.

Bug fixes

Measurements tracked in care plans

We have resolved an issue with measurements with two inputs (e.g. blood pressure or sleep and weight). Previously, if these measurements were entered in the monitoring section of a care plan without any values entered in either field the plan could not be saved. This issue has now been resolved and we now accept a single value and ignore the empty field.

Accessibility improvement

We have remedied an issue affecting users accessing PKB via the NHS App which prevented the user accessing the back button through keyboard or voice over navigation while on a web integration.