PKB Release Notes 02/03/2022

PKB Release Notes 02/03/2022

Feature updates

HL7 - Value for measurement now mandatory

A value for the measurement must now be provided in the OBX-5 field when sending in a HL7 ORU^R01 measurement. For more information please see https://dev.patientsknowbest.com/home/hl7-api/messages/oru-r01/laboratory .

Patient invitation

When a registered patient is invited to a new team via CSV, they will be immediately added to the team rather than being invited via email. This change brings the UI functionality in line with invitations via our HL7 API. This builds on previous development to introduce this functionality for UI invitations. Invited patients will now be added to the team list immediately, regardless of how the patient is invited or their registration status.

Add imaging result

We have added a message to the ‘Add imaging result’ page to help patients understand that data added wont be automatically reviewed by the professionals that they share their record with. The message reads ‘Your professionals will not automatically see new information. If you have immediate concerns about your health it is important that you contact them directly. If it is an emergency please contact emergency services.’

Bug fixes

Consultations now showing for new coordinators

We have resolved an issue which prevented new coordinators from seeing existing consultations which had been added by another coordinator in the same team.

Add symptoms

We have fixed a bug which occurred when a patient recorded two symptoms but removed one of them before clicking save. The bug caused both symptoms to be saved to the record, despite one of them being removed before saving.

Internet Explorer 11 - Focus indicator

We have added a focus indicator to the symptom's radio buttons for patients using screen readers on IE11 as this which was previously not present.

Textual results now graphed as textual even if they are numbers

We have resolved an issue with how test values are graphed when the test result should be recorded as a textual value but is instead treated as a numeric value if a number is entered. For instance when adding a measurement for ‘Hepatitis C virus 100+5-1-1 Ab [Presence] in Serum by Immunoblot (IB)’ a value of 4 can be entered. Previously, this was being converted to a numeric value but is now being correctly recorded as a textual result.

Discussing test result no longer default ‘To’ field to patient

We have resolved an issue when discussing a test result as a patient where the patient was automatically added as a participant in the ‘To’ field. This has now been updated so that the patient is no longer selected and a warning given to select a recipient in the ‘To’ field if they have not selected someone to discuss the result with.