PKB Release notes 20/08/2021
New features
Email notifications
We have reduced the number of email notifications patients receive about demographic updates, past appointments and documents older than a week.
Patients will now receive:
One notification a day for updates to their demographic details
No email notifications about documents where the document date is older than one week. This will be specifically for documents sent via our HL7 MDM^T02 messages, for more information please see
No email notifications will be sent for appointments which are in the past
Bug fixes
We have resolved an issue which caused the sub menu on the ‘Tests’ page to disappear if the page was refreshed by a professional.
We have resolved an issue affecting how we handle measurement data from linked devices that fall under the ‘routine’ category. Routine measurements include steps, distance, floors, elevation & calories burned. Previously, we were handling data from the routine category from devices as individual entries, however, if we receive more than one update per day from the device this will now be treated as a cumulative total. This mainly affected activity data such as distance & step counts.
We have resolved as issue to ensure the ‘Corrected date’ label will no longer show for any laboratory results which are resent with no changes made to the original message.
Advanced consent preference
We have resolved an issue when patients edit their advanced consent preferences, previously this was showing an older version of the consent questions. This has now been updated to show the latest version.