PKB Release Notes 15/03/2021

PKB Release Notes 15/03/2021

New features

1. View plans

We have improved the layout and presentation of the 'View plan’ page, this includes updating the styling and moving the monitoring and action plan sections to the top of the page. We have also improved how data in plans that track tests, symptoms and measurements is displayed on this page by making key data stand out and using spark lines for both measurements and tests. We have ensured the page is optimised for small screens so it works seamlessly across all supported devices and browsers.

2. Login

We have implemented a new custom login page for the ‘My health and care record’ team in Sussex.

3. Test results

We have updated the ‘Tests’ results summary page so that more than one panel will be shown for the same test type if the service name sent via an HL7 message is different.

In instances where no service name is provided the result will be added to a panel called ‘Other’. For more information please see http://dev.patientsknowbest.com/home/hl7-api/messages/oru-r01/laboratory.

Bug fixes

1. HL7 ORU R01 FON

We have resolved an issue to ensure HL7 ORU R01 messages will be rejected if more than one Filer Order Number (FON) is provided, for more information please see http://dev.patientsknowbest.com/home/hl7-api/messages/oru-r01

2. HL7 A19

We have fixed an issue with the HL7 A19 National ID search where it was bringing back all patient records when an invalid National ID was provided, this is now correctly returning an empty list.

3. Patient records

We have resolved an issue where a duplicate record could be created when inviting a carer by changing the case of the email address provided.