2018-08-06 Meeting notes
- Review outstanding tasks
- Look at other systems work for week and coming up
Discussion items
Who | Notes |
Tim Whitlock |
George Swinnerton | The NHSBT extract has hard wired dialysis codes 1-20 whilst we now have codes 202-206 being collected. The extract needs to be updated to include these and NHSBT informed about these newer codes and what they mean. |
The process of producing an extract for the data managers directly from the ukrdc was discussed. George Swinnerton pointed out that a relatively simple task could be to produce a data quality report highlighting missing data before the extract is run allowing the data managers to chase the correction of these values in advance. An example would be missing Date of Death. Exactly what could be included in this needs to be discussed and defined and whilst his may be useful the focus should be on creating an extract first. If the time to produce this increases then the Data Quality report could be a way for the managers to help anticipate and correct potential errors before validation. Once the process is established the DQ report would be a useful tool to monitor incoming data and flag potential issues in advance of the data extract. Initially a specification for the extract needs to be written. This needs to define all the required elements where they will be pulled from and what rules need to be used to define the value when it is one of several that can be returned. George Swinnerton will define the initial specification for the extract once this is defined all fields that need clinical input on what rules should be used can be referred to the appropriate expert. Which elements are required as a minimum would need to be identified to help define the order the various parts of the dataset extract are written. | |
George Swinnerton has tested the Royal free files on staging and they all process without error. They are keen to start live feeds. George Swinnerton will contact them to switch on pdf feeds for one or two patients initially and then for all patients. live-mirth will need monitoring to ensure no untoward errors/issues arise. | |
George Swinnerton | George Swinnerton reported some changes that SSG have made to Patientview to improve its error handling. Queuing has been updated to work more as expected. Messages are received into the queue and are being pulled out using 20 threads each appearing to have ten messages so the queue has up to 200 unacknowledged messages at anyone time until the messages is successfully saved to PV. Any unacknowledged message should get re-queued in the event that the importer restarts. PV should handle issues with the postgres database stopping (running out of space) and reconnect on the database return. In theory they have again fixed "Can't retrieve patient data" but this is difficult to verify. Tom at SSG has also been looking at the programembership issue TNG-180 and verifying the cxml against the schema. George Swinnerton was not sure if he had managed to upload a new version before leaving on holiday. Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) noted that the current test code for the importer changes is now logging complete PV files into the tomcat-importer log file. This should not be done. George Swinnerton to followup. |
Action items
- George Swinnerton to produce the initial draft Audit Extract specification for review and discussion
- George Swinnerton to contact Royal Free to enable feeds for a few patients before enabling all patients.
- foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) progress NHSBT file
- George Swinnerton make sure SSG remove logging of complete PV files from the tomcat-importer logs. This must be done before deploying to live