2018-07-23 Meeting notes

2018-07-23 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding tasks
  • Plan tasks for next week...
  • Any other items

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) has nearly completed the QBL counts however he has found an issue where there is historic data for quraters but the current file doesn't have a count for that item. This was resulting in no line in the counts as oppose a line with no entry for the current file. This should be fixed later today and allow Fran to do some checking.
  • George Swinnerton hasn't followed up on whether NHSBT have sorted their data feed for PV and when they are likely to get it sorted. Last file received was  
  • George Swinnerton has updated the missing minutes for ukrdc and systems from   and . It was noted that the minutes should be a true reflection of the meeting. Outstanding tasks should be reviewed and actions to be taken/taken noted. Discussions should document the outcomes decided and all actions should be added with a deadline.
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) has not had the oppotunity to follow up with checking if there is a user issue when importing AKI data which has lead to bad data being imported as reported last week. George Swinnerton has looked at this and noted the instructions used by the Data Managers are ambuiguous and could imply that if a lab said the queried data could be ignored/didn't matter then the file should be loaded with it rather than the bad data being removed before import. He has apparently contacted Fran about this.
  • rapolas (Unlicensed) is awaiting details of the required AKI data dump.
  • George Swinnerton hasn't matched the HES data yet for Anna.

 ODS Codes for Kings George Swinnerton

 George Swinnerton reported that Kings have registered ODS codes for all their satellite sites. These appear to be derived from kings main ODS. Since Kings have a number of their sites based at other hospitals this means the same hospital location would have more than one ODS code one for the satellite and one (or more) for the hospital it self. Previously for other centres we have used the ODS code for the hospital where the satellite is.This may create issues and willl require the satellite codes to be updated in the renalreg database and in ACT!.

Action items
