2018-10-15 Meeting notes

2018-10-15 Meeting notes




  • Review outstanding tasks
  • Plan Systems related work
  • Discuss any other items or tasks members are aware of
  • AOB

Discussion items

Outstanding TasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • QBL Count Roger is waiting on Fran to confirm all is working before releasing. He will follow up with Fran and look to get the latest release this.
  • End of year data cleansing is coming to an end.
  • Meeting with Fiona will be arranged once the merging has been done and we are sure most of the obstacles to RaDaR syncing have been removed.
  • George Swinnerton hasn't produced the list of the generic testnames in PV which group multiple Dataset fields and so need tobe sent via RDA as dataset fields and combined in pv-extract under the appropriate PV testname.
  • Base-64 issues have been resolved and the code deployed to staging. This has been tested and all seems to work correctly now. pdfs appear for surveys and pvfeeds containing pdfs are correctly stored and encoded only once to base64.
  • The code needs to be deployed to live and the database updated to change the currently stored pdfs to binary instead of base64. Once this is done the surveys can be reprocessed and pushed through to patientview. This processing will take around 6hrs. The surveys will have pam scores calculated using the insignia api and the live credentials. The code checks if a survey has been submitted and doesn't resubmit as this is a requirement(limitation) of the apis which assume a web front end so surveys will not be stored and submitted as we do.
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) needs to create a new GUI error correction interface based on /wiki/spaces/TPPCKD/pages/1645347350 information. Need to estimate when this will be available since as as soon as the survey processing is live Beth and Catherine will want to correct the errors and start generating reports for sites. They have apparently been promising a 2 week turnaround. This development is high priority.
  • George Swinnerton hasn't produced the lists of fields and tests that raise issues for the RR Quarterly Extraction. This task is urgent and needs to be completed. This includes tests sent to patientview that need to be received in their dataset fields and the patientview test constructed from them and dataset fields that don't currently have a field to in the schema where they can be placed for sending. In addition we need a list of "calculated/derived fields" that need a unified set of rules defined.

 foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) referred everyone to the following document RFC: Proposed Method for Developing and Deploying UKRDC-Services for discussion next week. All to review and bring their thoughts.

PatientviewGeorge SwinnertonNadim wishes to add elastic search to PV and Afzal apparently wants this developed. George has suggested making the logs more IG compliant and splitting the identifiable data stored in the form of incoming xmls out to a separate table will make purging this data and and managing the log files easier. It is unclear if the elastic serach will just provide search abilities or actually be used to store the logs.
RR Quarterly ExtractTim Whitlock (Deactivated)

It is now Urgent that we get this development progressing. But we need to put some thought into te struture and design to ensure it is easy to update and and build with bamboo. It also needs to be easily extended/expanded. See /wiki/spaces/UKRRD/pages/1730215930 and https://confluence.ukrdc.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=9437967 and https://confluence.ukrdc.org/display/TNG/UKRR+Extract

To that everyone is to read through George's specification and think about the design/how we implement this. In addition look at any missing information in the requirements specification.

This work needs to progress hand in hand with the expansion of the kings file and getting the automatic sending of the files.

Kings filesGeorge SwinnertonKings have been in touch again asking for the ip of the sftp server despite being given the url.

Action items

  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) to develop the new error correction gui for surveys. and deliver as soon as possible.  
  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) to indicate as soon as possible the likely time to develop new Survey Error correction gui. 
  • George Swinnerton to put survey code on live server now it is working correctly and process the surveys.  
  • George Swinnerton to complete outstanding query lists for the RR Quarterly Extract specification including testname issues, dataset fields with no logical schema location and derived calculated fields requiring unified rules to be defined.  
  • All to review RFC: Proposed Method for Developing and Deploying UKRDC-Services and bring their thoughts for discussion next week  
  • All to review the RR Quarterly Extract specification /wiki/spaces/UKRRD/pages/1730215930 with a view to looking for missing information and discussing the software design at next weeks meeting.  