2018-09-24 Meeting notes

2018-09-24 Meeting notes




  • Review Outstanding tasks
  • Discuss any issues
  • Plan tasks for the week
  • AOB

Discussion items

Outstanding Tasks
  • QBL fix is awaiting Fran. She has asked for a list of tickets that would be included in the QBL fix so she can verify they are working etc. foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) will send these to her.
  • Missing EPO import is awaiting the data managers rerunning the validation now they have access to a build that aloows the EPO SQL to be generated.
  • Meeting about RaDaR is on hold until we are correctly syncing data in order not to get side tracked.
  • KIngs rda files. George Swinnerton has now had 3 sets of files from Kings for testing. He has tried throwing a batch of 50 at mirth but locked up mirth in the process. This seems to be to do with the storage of pdf data. It appears that the data loses its base64 encoding during the processing so unlike with the pv letters it appears that something in the rda process is causing a problem with the pdf encoding. George Swinnerton needs to investigate further and identify if it is one of the rda processes such as rda to rda, some difference in the rda sturcture when compared to that generated from the pv files or something else.
  • The RR Extract specification is around halfway through and George Swinnerton hopes to complete it this week. He also highlighted an issue that will need addressing before a viable Data Extract can be done. Currently data being submitted by RDA file (Kings) aims to allow PV extracts. This means the test data is using the PV naming system. This means some data that in the data set is held in separate fields gets combined under a single test name. This means the RDA data will need to split these using snomed/loinc/RR codes. THe PV extract will then need to be able to rebuild a pv extract from the separate fields. Currently there is not a definitive list of what codes should be used etc. George Swinnerton will produce a preliminary list of fields that this would affect/be needed for the audit extract.
  • Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) has created a a document describing the error correction process for surveys /wiki/spaces/TPPCKD/pages/1645347350. All to review so a UI can be developed.
  • The latest NHSBT file has now been processed and the patients that were missing last month are present so the assumption is there was a processing error and they were missed off. foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) will keep an eye on this in future returns.
  • The issue of the inability to delete tracing files has been raised with NBT IT and they have gone off to investigate. We are currently awaiting their response.
  • The issue of the missing CKD data (PAT33) has been sorted. George Swinnerton highlighted that this issue was likely to re-occur.
  • Tim has not progressed the Remote desktop app server which needs its certificates renewed.

It has been found SSG only apply the NHS number verification checks when a NHS number is entered. If a CHI or HSC number is entered no checks are made (Shaun Mannings (Deactivated) successfully added a NHS number of banana suggesting it was off for all NIs) SSG are to sort.

SSG want to update PV to the latest release on live. This release includes the importer changes which make use of the rabbitmq queues correctly and includes the program membership interface. The programmembership still seems to be causing issues in that multiple messages are received and currently it has stopped working on staging. This needs to be sorted before release.

George Swinnerton has added a news item to the Test.patientview.org site to help identify if the webui has had the api paths misconfigured as occurred last week resulting in the test interface accessing the live database when using the UI. This did cause a a few minor issues in that some changes were made to live test patients which should have been done on staging/test. The News item helps identfy the correct database is in use.

ukrdc.nhs.ukThe certificate for ukrdc.nhs.uk will be updated during the week which could affect the ukrdc processing. Al to be aware and report any issues.
redHat licensesGeorge raised the issue of the redhat renewal and whether we should co-term the licenses. This was agreed that it would be a good thing to do assuming there were no extra cost implications. Stephanie has indicated that that would be good for her as well.

Action items

  • foghorn_leghorn (Unlicensed) to send list of JIRA ticket fixes to be included in the QBL release to Fran  
  • George Swinnerton to identify where the issue of binary pdf files is occurring in the rda import process with the Kings test file sets  
  • George Swinnerton aim to complete the RR Extract specification document  
  • George Swinnerton Produce a list of data fields required in the RDA field which may conflict with generic testnames used in PV  