2017-03-27 Progress Update
2017-03-27 Progress Update
Update on progress pre-weekly meeting
RDP01 server built, initial testing underway
Testing of Veeam replication still ongoing, suceesfull tests, still some VM's to add to replication Jobs.
Still issues with Healthshare large data size and update rate mean we need to backup/replicate while servers are down - switch was upgraded to 1GBs in readiness for test.
Firewall Freeze ongoing, existing rules updated for new firewalls and applied.
Coming week (by WE )
Aimes/Renal workshop organised for this week.
Renal, identify window for Healthsare staging server, backup/replication.
Aimes, Veeam, finalize reporting/monitoring.
Next week (by WE )
awaiting outcome of workshop
, multiple selections available,