2017-02-25 Progress Update
2017-02-25 Progress Update
Update on progress pre-weekly meeting
Veeam Backup of RR Old WWW VM's configured, tested, and scheduled successfully.
Veeam Backup of RR Old N3 VM's, issues with free space on Old RR N3 Hypervisor.
Testing of Veeam replication underway. failing at the moment under investigation.
Update firewalls for Veeam access to Vcentre/Hypervisor on both paltforms.
Coming week (by WE )
Aimes, Storage install, DELL Engineer on site, 4 days
Aimes, RR VM Firewall rules to be applied to new N3 and Internet Firewalls.
Aimes, Veeam backup testing/monitoring.
Next week (by WE )
Aimes, Build RDP server for RR to access the VCenter infratructure.
Restore some VM's for testing
, multiple selections available,