2017-03-20 Progress Update

2017-03-20 Progress Update

Update on progress pre-weekly meeting  

SANs now setup and operational, hypervisors still need final configuration to utilize new storage.

Testing of Veeam replication still ongoing, finalize once SAN storage available.

Healthshare Staging VM, large data size and update rate are causing issues for the backup. Ist option is to upgrade Veeam access to 1Gbs network. Firewall Freeze, existing rules updated for new firewalls and applied.

Coming week (by WE  )

Aimes, add networking elements to Hypervisors profile (VLANS)

Aimes, add SAN LUN's to Hypervisors.

Renal, identify VM's with limited updates, that can be restored early.

Renal, identify window for Healthsare staging server, backup/replication.

Aimes, implement 1Gbs access to RR OLD N3 hypervisor, for HealthShare backup

Aimes, Veeam, finalize reporting/monitoring.

Aimes, Build RDP server for RR to access the VCenter infratructure.

Aimes, Restore some VM's for testing

Next week (by WE )

Aimes, Restore some VM's for testing

Aimes, provide a document of changes per VM for migration