2017-03-28 Post Migration Workshop
2017-03-28 Post Migration Workshop
We are targeting the weekend of April 7th as a migration date and we are looking at the replication method as the preferred approach. We have awknowldge that there will be an outage that weekend will the migration occurs.
Action Points for follow-up on Monday
- AIMES to continue to work on Replication with a view this is the preferred method of migration (WWW by Friday / N3 next week) – SG
- AIMES/RENAL – Confirm Resource Availability weekend of APRIL 7/8/9. - DA/RS
- AIMES to confirm by Wednesday 5th of April whether things are in place to proceed. – DL/SG
- Renal to provide AIMES with their testing plan for migrated VMS.
- Renal to provide AIMES with their success criteria for the VM Migration which includes signoff of successfully migrated VMS. This will be shared with AIMES during the migration.
- Renal to provide AIMES with a backup plan which include when this should be invoked and who can invoke this plan.
Beyond the migration project
- AIMES to configure backup jobs in line with the previously circulated backup matrix.
- RENAL to consider what happens to the old stack.
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