2021-11-16 Meeting notes

2021-11-16 Meeting notes


Nov 16, 2021


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @Andre Ortega Alban

  • @Andrew Atterton


Review outstanding Tasks

  • Review tasks for next week

Discussion topics







Outstanding Tasks

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • Andy has now set up the automated process for tracing of radar patients on systems-live. It just needs a process to pull the finished data off systems-live to Q:. Andy will let Tim know the details and he will add it to scripts that already in place.

  • STARs yet another change is required to the criteria fro diagnosis. Andy is currently sorting this after which Fioan will review and then hopefullly it should be ready to supply.

  • Validation 1.1.18 release not yet done. Fran found anissue and ggeorge has now fixed the issue with pdf generation. Joel has also done a lot of work tidying up the build process . This code should be released this week. Which will allow the work on Paeds validation changes for loading the 2020 data and other changes Fran’s team would benefit from for the 2021 loading.

  • There are still issues with SSH connections to git which may be due to changing ips..

  • Andre has had to reload some files and needs to add the RR_No after which hopefully the database will be ready to swap with production. She will run another extract for Anna who will confimr that it is now ready for the swapping.

  • RaDaR a new request ha sbeen made to adde consent flags for Questionaires and blood samples to the nurture project. This will need to be considered when exporting data. Also some changes are needed to the exporter to ensure it properly respects consent withdrawn dates and doesn’t supply data outside of those limits.

  • No updates on the Atalassian/github migration which is more or less complete.

  • Infrastructure we have had a meeting with AIMES and gone through what we are wanting to do. They have been given access to the confluence pages so documentation can be added and shared. (Migration - Confluence (atlassian.net))

  • As part of the dockerisation work of the UKRDC services has some outstanding PR which need resolving. Part of the sorting is splitting out and separating concerns so each library/repo is concerned with a single part. George flagged that doing this with services may affect PKB Dump and UKRR Extract.

  • Joel highlighted that it would be good to get some benchmarks for how long things take to ensure these changes don’t have a negative impact and in the long run identify where code improvements are needed. This would include profiling the webapi.

Penetration Testing

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

Penetration testing is due again. The current plan is to aim for the End of January after which hopefully some/all the servers have been migrated. Otherwise we will do the tests against servers that we then change completely.

Action items
