2021-10-25 Meeting notes

2021-10-25 Meeting notes


Oct 25, 2021


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @Andrew Atterton

  • @Andre Ortega Alban


  • Review tasks and set priorities

Discussion topics







Outstanding Tasks

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • Andy hopes to deploy the automatic RaDaR tracimg this week.

  • The repos have now been moved to github and the bamboo links updated to reflect this. Tere are still some issues with ssh access from the windows bamboo aget and a ticket has been raised with NBT about this. This is currently preventing builds of the validation code and potentially the AKI code. The long term aim is to move all the jobs to gihub actions howeve this is not a priority as we start the server migration so will be done in stages over the next few weeks as required. ideally if a bamboo job needs updating it should be moved rather than updated.

  • STARs - Andy has received back the final file from Maria. This has some ICD10 codes he needs to map which ihe is half way through sorting. Once this is done the system should be ready to be built into a VM and supplied to BCH. This hopefully should be sometime this week.

  • INS App no new update initial front end design/demo should be available end of November

  • Validation There wer some issues identified with the Kings file this week. One of these was caused by the diagnosis which has an identificcation date and an onset date the former representing when the unit first heard about it so the clinc date in which it was mentioned. Onset is when the issue first appeared. Kings were only populating one of the fields which was not the one used by the extract. The other issue is there are no Negative Diabetes diagnosis records. This is because the schema has not been updated to reflect this even though this was agreed and required some time ago. It will now be done as part of the Dataset 5.0 changes.

  • Andre has to finsish the correction of the AKI records and also the changes to the AKI validation and lab update code.

  • Andy has started work on the biomarker data adding the database using alembic. This requires no front end accesss just the ability to exract it. He has also made a start on the conatinerising of the RaDaR for deployment by adapting the development build.

  • There are a number of tickets on RaDaR which are now a Won’t Fix/Won’t Do or should be addressed as part of the rewrite rather than done in the current code base. To sor this a New Jira project will be created for the RaDaR Re-development/re-write for the tickets that will need to be addressed. Once the project kicks off these may need updating to reflect the requirements and technology of the rewrite. The other need to be marked as Done Won’t fix

UK England Extract

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

The next NHS England Extract is due Oct 29, 2021 Andre will complete this as she did previously.

Action items

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) to create RaDaR Rewrite project for the radar tickets that would be best addressed then rather than now Oct 27, 2021
@Andre Ortega Alban to do the next NHS England Extract Oct 29, 2021
