2022-01-10 Meeting notes

2022-01-10 Meeting notes


Jan 10, 2022


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Retha Steenkamp


Review Progress over Christmas period


Discussion topics







Outstanding Tasks

@Tim Whitlock

  • Andrew has completed the NHSBT send started before Christmas.

  • The Infrastruture migration audit is conitnuing. The only issues found so far are to do with them not being able to log in to some servers which when tested worked as expected.

  • INS App coding has started on the coding based on the wire diagrams etc previously shared.

  • Validation issues SHaun has raised are being worked through by George. He has redone the Height Logic and is currently unsure about the best order to do the different stages resulting in the split paed and adult files.

  • Anna has found further issues with NHS numbers not being added to AKI records which she thinks may be due to multiple Christian names preventing a trace? Andre will investigate when she is back in the country.

  • Andrew has fixed a number issues that came out of the latest release in the last few days.

Disk Sapce / Errors

Tim flagged a number of servers that are flaggin disk usage over thresholds both radar and ukrdc. He also highlighted large numbers of error files for RDA and staging mirth. We all need to keep an eye on these issues and ensure we work within the limits and try an minimise errors.

Action items
