Andy let George have Alfonso’s scriipt and it lookslike it pulls a complete data set before filtering rather than only pulling required data for around 20 individuals. It apears this then triggered the writing of temporary files which took up more space than was available on the data partition. Garry tried changing the sql to make it work and managed to get it to work however Any suspects this is because we also increased the partition size meaning there was more free space. A couple of options could help mitigate this issue. Reducing the RaDaR database by separating the logging to a separate database however we would still see the issue when disk space was low in the database partition. The other option is to map a temporary file space partition to the location used to write temporary files which would mean thetmp space would always be there and the size could be managed separately.
Infrastructure Migration we have ameeting with AIMES tomorrow when they said they would be able to share a proposed migration plan. Once this is finalised the migration will commence we assume.
INS App the key elements of this that will affect the systems team is the sending through of the data. The data will come through as it did from PV as an XML file and get stored int he UKRDC. Updates will just come through in the normal way. We will need to modify the RaDaR exporter to include all the new fields from the APP. In turn the RaDaR importer will need to accept these extra terms and store them in the approiate places - some of which may not currently exist in RaDaR- so there may also need to be some development for the display of the data. The plan is that only people who have been registered on RaDaR can sign up to use the app. This means the backend system for the app will be pre populated with key data to allow this by a RaDaR export. A process will be required to ensure the list of potential users is kept in sync with RaDaR.
George has created another version of Validation for Shaun to test which he thinks addresses all the current issues. There are still a number of tickets awaiting signoff by Shaun.
Andre is continuing to try and find why some records did not get an NHS added even though the number was known and applied to other ines for the same patient. The initial thought that tracing may be the reason in that it gives different results with multiple firstnames has not proved likely so Andre is now checking her scripts for issues.
Andy is due to have a call with Kate as she is having issues with her missing data report. He is not sure if it is a case of the script not doing what she actually wants/user error of if there is an issue with it. The code lookslike it is doing what he would expect.