2021-11-08 Meeting notes

2021-11-08 Meeting notes


Nov 8, 2021


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @Andrew Atterton

  • @Andre Ortega Alban


Review outstanding Tasks

  • Plan focus for week.

Discussion topics







Ousta nding Tasks

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • RaDaR tracing deployment was deplayed as Tracing has some DODs which are only 6 digits and this caused issues with the code as this has not been returned previously by tracing and RaDaR doesn’t support dates without a Day value. This has now been resolved and so deployment can be done hopefully.

  • There is a meeting with AIMES today to try and work out a plan for the migration and ensure we are all working towards the same goal. This will hopefully help clarify a time plan and what needs to be ready for when.

  • Atlassian Cloud migration the issue with SSH access from the NBT network to github as required by some servers and the systems team has now been resolveed with new firewall rules. George has now highlighted that the PV servers don't have ssh access to github, in partivcualr the db server needs it.

  • STARS was completed last week but Fiona has found a few tweaks that need to be made most of which have now been done and deployed to the local site for checking by Fiona. Once these are check Andy wil just need to update the VM to reflect the changes and it can be shared with the BCH technical people and they can test it on their end.

  • INS App no update

  • Validation George has now reolved issues with the switch to xlsx format and needs to now supply Fran with a version for checking before releasing the new version. Once that has done he can look at updating the cripts for checking out code branches for development using github instead of bitbucket. which will allow the Nov/Dec sprint ticekts to be done.

  • AKI - Andre has now corrected the missing NHS numbers but has t load 165 files to get her database upto date with the live one which should complete tomorrow. She will then update the loading application used by Sarah and produce a new extract for Anna for checking along with ensuring it has RR_Nos added. Assuming Anna doesn’t find any issues we should be in aposition to then swap the new more complete database with the live.

  • George needs to have the Tracing DOB for AKI patients for use in the HES data supplied. As this isn’t stored per-se iin the AKI record he will need to use the tracing file.

  • RaDaR Andy has a number of RaDaR jobs stacking up and hopes to address these now STARs has nearly finished. These include Radar tracing, duplicates, missing data, database connection issues, enddates on consents and biomarkers. Alongside this he will try to sort a dockerc-ompose for Radar that can be used as part of the migration to migrate both the radar live and staging and also international radar and radar demo.

Action items
