2021-12-06 Meeting notes

2021-12-06 Meeting notes


Dec 6, 2021


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Andrew Atterton

  • @Andrew Atterton

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @Retha Steenkamp


Review outstanding tasks and progress


Discussion topics







OutStanding Tasks

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • We had a useful meeting with AIMEs last week and have a basic migration plan in place. They will start by lifting and shifting our VMs to their new “cloud” setup and we will then reconfigure them to be running as containers with new base OS where required. They have now gone away to run an audit of the current firewall rules and vm setups so they can duplicate them in their new structure prior to lifitng and shifting.

  • The INS ui design ha sbeen progressing and can be viewed here Home (invisionapp.com) This still needs to be coded and then mapped to the xml schema file for us to test its loading. It will also require changes to the RaDaR exporter to support the extra data for INS patients using the app.

  • Validation changes for paeds are almost done. Shaun has fed back testing results from the xhanges so far completed. George hopes to complete these this week. At which point all the changes Shaun has requested and all the additional tickets Fran has requested for this sprint should be done and ready for final testing.

  • AKI. Andre has now rolled out the updated UI which incorporates the data import changes. This has been tested by Sarah and Beth. The new app is loading files faster by 2-3 minutes but still not as fast as on Andre’s local db or loading to test. It is unclear if further tuning is required to further improve this or if it is a network issue. The slowest load occurred in the morning and and the afternoon tests were a lot faster. Andre is still working on updating the NHS numbers in the local database once this is finished she will create the extract for Anna.

  • NHSBT matching. Andy has cpmleted the matching. Shaun has sanity checked the paeds inforamtion and he will now return the results to NHSBT and await their response.

  • For Radar there are a a few bugs flagged by Kate to be sorted such as a boolean field with 3 states. ALso Andy is having issues with sorting his celery workers which hopefully Joel will be able to assist with.

Action items
