2022-01-31 Meeting notes

2022-01-31 Meeting notes


Jan 31, 2022


  • @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • @George Swinnerton

  • @Joel Collins (Deactivated)

  • @Andrew Atterton

  • @Andre Ortega Alban

  • @Retha Steenkamp


Review outstanding issues


 Discussion topics







Outstanding Items

@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)

  • Alfoso query is now working probably due to the extra storage. George still has to write up notes about the sql alchemy use of sessions.

  • Infrastrutcure. AIMEs favour the big bang approach to migration meaning we need test plans/processes to verify that the servers are working as expected after migration and also to identify key servers whose downtime shoudl be minimal. This inofmation needs to be added to the migration pages. All to help identify tests and if any servers are critical.

  • INS App no updates

  • Validation is continuing to be updated as Shaun finds issues with the paeds validation. George has suggested a day in the office sorting the issues.SHaun has found that currently Jira doesn’t let him change the status or reassign the ticket back to george after he has reviewed it. Joel will look at resolving this on the projects.

  • Andre has updated the NHS numbers using some different tracing combinations to try and match more records. She is now producing an extract for Anna to verify it is as correct as possible. She did find some issues with memory due to the amount of data but has resolved this by batching the extract

  • Andy has started looking at the biomarker tickets but ha shad to divert time to sorting issues with the STAR virtualbox.

  • Most of the issues being reported were user error. Andy has sent them details on how to do the different things and Fiona will set up some training for them. One issue to do with permissions on the stats page remains unresolved and Andy is looking at why this has happened.


Pentesting is due to start this week for both N3 and internet.

data uploads


Retha will need the 2021 Patient Lists for covid uploaded via sftp.

 Action items


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