2021-11-01 Meeting notes
Nov 1, 2021
@Tim Whitlock (Deactivated)
@George Swinnerton
@Andrew Atterton
@Andre Ortega Alban
@Joel Collins (Deactivated)
Review tasks and plan priorities for this week.
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Outstanding Tasks | @Andrew Atterton |
Working Time | @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | With the need to get quick answers on some things can people try and ensure their Teams status correctly reflects their contactability so people know if they can expect an answer. Also please ensure that you keep the R:\0 HR working docs\Hybrid working-office days and parking.xlsx document updated for when people intend to be in the office. If you know you will be offline at at tme you are normally available please let the team know where possible. |
Infrastructure | @Tim Whitlock (Deactivated) | The preparation work for the migration has started. Joel is looking at the dockerisation of all the ukrdc elements. Tim has taken a quick loook at the wordpress whcih works well for a single site but has not worked as smoothly for the thinkkidneys site wihich is a multisite. Infrastructure Upgrade and Migration - Systems Team - Confluence (atlassian.net) Documentation on the migration can be found here and will be updated as we go along with details of how we plan to migrate the server/service/process and where it should end up in the cloud etc. If any services appear to be missing please ensure they are added/documented. AIMES are arranging a meeting to plan how we progress the move to the cloud. |