2021-08-23 Meeting notes

2021-08-23 Meeting notes




  • Review Systems  issues and progress

Discussion items

Outstanding tasksTim Whitlock (Deactivated)
  • Renalware will be followed up this week.
  • Andy hasn't managed to progress auto tracing of radar this week
  • The EMPA-KIDENY extract is still waiting for an updated patient list.
  •  The EQUAL extract is half done and currently waiting for a tracing file to be reurned for DOD details to be added. George will check with Barny who/how the file should be transferred.
  • citrus are currently trying toi set up some planning/data gathering meetings for the INS app work so they can properly scope and efine things.
  • STARS Andy continues to look for a way to handle the large number of results that now get returned for the dropdown in RaDaR which cause a timeout. He believes he has found a way it can work and will hopefully get that woring this week for Fioan to review. With the corrections that Fiona has made to the import data trying to load the patients whilst working has not worked correctly due to the script needing to be tweaked that will also be done to correctly assign the improted patients to the correct cohorts.
  • No progress on validation work this week.
  • Andre hasn't managed to progress the AKI work this week but hopes to later this week.
  • Andy had no new RaDaR issues to report 

Fiona flagged an issue with Plymout data for renalindicators. George believes this coudl be a mapping issue due to Plymouth sending through the data using un mapped codes such as HD(Home). He has sent a list of these through to Fioan to classify and then he will add them to the mapping table this should then ensure they get exported correctly.

Fiona also flagged that it looked like Nottingham had more patients than they should. Andy will provide Fiona with a list showing RRTSTATUS for nottingham for her to look through to investigate further.

Scanned ConsentTim Whitlock (Deactivated)Andy hasn't progressed the adding of the consent pdfs to the radar records yet. This would be the bottom layer of/last stage in the automated electronic consent process. In theory the records need to be matched on radar id and stored so they can be viewed from the consent screen. There will probably need to be a manual process to add scanned consents moving forward as well.
InfrastrutureJoel Collins (Deactivated)The infrastruture migration will need to be the next major push after the completion of the PKB development. 

Action items
