Infrastruture Migration audit work is continuing AIMEs expected to complete the work last week however they are still it seems having some issues connecting to some servers. Once the audit is complete they expect to put together a migration plan.
There is no update on the INS App
Tomorrow Citrus are demoing the updated website wwork they have done so far which has mainly focussed on the website pages and not the backend services such as membership etc which they should be moving onto next.
Validation Shaun has a version for testing from George. Shaun has found the splitting of paeds and adults in files is not working as well as hoped using centre codes and suggests we use age instead. George will implement this. He also questioned what shoul dhappen with the CKD and AKI data and whether it should be treated the same as the adults and stored in the same tables so when a patient moves to adult the data is in the correct place. george flagged that the risk is some validation for adults may mean some issues are not flagged on children because the threshold for some adults fields are different so the validation may need to identify if the data is for a child or adult to correctl flag issues.
Shaun aslo flagged that the excel spreadsheet was producing some numbers as numbers and others as strings in the spreadsheet. This suggests an underlying issue in the code on how the values are held. Shaun will let george have some examples to check the cause.
Joel has been doing some tiding up of the packages and sorting the CI for the validation code. This will be merged into the master after the 1.119 has been sorted.
Andre has been investigating the Tracing issue flagged by Anna and sent a few different tracing file soff for the lab in question and will look at the results this week to see if this helps improve the tracing.
Andy has archived the logs table on radar but there appears to be an issue with a script Alfonso wrote that is running out of disk space. Given that there is 14GB available it does beg the question why. George will take a look at the script and see if he can see what is happening/if it can be improved.